The goal of this project is to disseminate and transfer additive manufacturing technologies as advanced manufacturing technologies, essential to the manufacture of metal components by companies.

The ADDISPACE is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through Interreg Sudoe Programme 2014-2020.

This Project provides an answer to the limited adoption of AM technologies used to manufacture metal parts in the aerospace sector. Such an approach responds to the following challenges:

  • Not enough information about existing AM technologies, the potential benefits of their adoption in the aerospace sector and about the possible technology transfer solutions that can facilitate their adoption.
  • High investment costs for the acquisition of additive manufacturing equipment and its implementation in the existing manufacturing chains and lines of metal part manufacturing companies and SMEs.
  • Insufficient reliability of manufactured products, due to the absence of solid manufacturing process control and monitoring mechanisms.
  • Regulations currently under development and not known by users (defectology, quality, verification), and absence of design criteria and rules.
  • Absence of skilled staff for the transition towards the use of this type of technology, due to the absence of specialised, skilled and trained labour.

Several Working Groups were created, several Workshops and Conferences were held and a Catalogue with the Metallic Additive Manufacturing Offer in the SUDOE region of Europe (access here) and an Opportunity Diagnosis in this sector (access here) was elaborated.

To know more about the Project, click here.

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