AERIS Project
The project aims to improve the innovation of companies in the Andalusian-Alentejo region.

The AERIS Project – Integrating and Improving Competitiveness of the Aeronautical Cluster in the Andalusian-Alentejo Cross-Border Region aims to improve the innovation of companies in the Andalusian-Alentejo area by developing capacity-building activities, exchanging experiences and transfering knowledge of the companies of the aeronautical sector.

Specifically, through the implementation of the AERIS project, it is expected to:

1 – Identify existing resources in the region and analyze the needs of the aeronautical sector.
2 – Improve the efficient use of R&D and business development support infrastructures and services.
3 – Encourage knowledge transfer actions in the cross-border area.
4 – Promote measures for business innovation in the aeronautical sector.
5 – Encourage investments in the sector of the Andalusia-Alentejo region.

Consortium Members:

Main actions:

  • Identification of interlocutors and R&D needs of the aeronautical sector in the cross-border area;
  • Improvement and efficient use of R&D and business development support infrastructures and services;
  • Knowledge transfer actions in the cross-border area;
  • Measures to promote business innovation.


  • A detailed and in-depth analysis of sector needs as well as a study of skills / capabilities;
  • Meetings to share experiences of good practice between the regions of Andalusia and Alentejo;
  • Definition of a plan for increasing innovation in the sector;
  • Joint working meetings of key interest groups related to the aeronautical sector;
  • Identification and assessment of existing infrastructures in both regions;
  • Design of a training program for the sector;
  • Creation and implementation of a technology monitoring / sharing network developed in both regions;
  • Actions to promote aeronautical resources existing in the region with a view to attracting foreign investment and planning public-private investment;
  • Improved capacities of technology centers and clusters;
  • Arranging meetings for technology transfer between both cross-border regions;
  • Conducting business innovation diagnostics for participating companies;
  • B2B meetings for trade and business promotion;
  • Technical visits to make known the existing resources;
  • Organization of conferences to raise awareness of existing resources in the region and promote project outcomes.

Target Audiences:

Aviation companies in the Euroregion; third country companies which are potential investors in the Euroregion; professionals and potential aviation professionals, public and private bodies, who are interested in obtaining financing for investments in the Euroregion.

Expected Results:

  • Contribute to increasing innovation and technological development of the aeronautical sector in the Alentejo-Andalusia cross-border area, reflecting:
    – Number of patents estimated at 15 (to be measured in 2023);
    – 78 companies receiving aid for new product introductions and 47 companies that will cooperate with research centers, reaching a total of 125 companies.
  • Improve cross-border business cooperation in R & D + i;
  • Improve the R & D + i capacity of aeronautical companies and related sectors, with the consequent impact on improving employment and quality of life of workers and inhabitants of the cross-border zone;
  • Increased private and public-private investments in cross-border area.

Duration: 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2019 (48 months)

Total Project Investment (amount): 1,571 360,51 €

Community Contribution (amount and reference to financing program): € 1,178 520.38 / INTERREG V-A Spain-Portugal Program (POCTEP) 2014-2020

Project Outputs:

  • Creation of cross-border working groups for the aeronautical sector;
  • Joint implementation plan for improvement and innovation in the aeronautical sector in the cross-border region;
  • Program or methodology to identify training needs and adequacy of training provision;
  • R&D Training Program and Manual for the aeronautical cluster and technology centers;
  • Technology valorization network oriented to the aeronautical industry. List of members and network membership agreement;
  • 60 Diagnostics of business innovation (20 in Alentejo, 40 in Andalusia);
  • Results Transfer / Capitalization Plan, including Sustainability Plan.
For more information, click here:

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