Indupymes 4.0 Project
The main purpose of the Indupymes Project is to help SMEs from the naval, automotive and aerospace sectors integrating themselves into the new "digital factory" concept.

The Indupymes 4.0 Project was created to estimulate the digital adaptation/evolution of the SMEs in the transport sectors (automotive, naval or aerospace) and their supply chain. For example, help machining companies and their complementary companies to integrate into the new concept of Industry 4.0.

The development of the Project will improve the participation of the business fabric in innovation processes and in the R&D activities, closest to the market in the Andalusian and Alentejo cross-border region.

Consortium members:

Framed within the second call for the Interreg VA España – Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020 program and cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), Indupymes 4.0 will last from April 2019 to 31st December 2021.

The total cost of the Project’s operation will be 1.340.364,33 euros. The maximum community contribution (FEDER) is 1.005.273,15 euros.

The expected results of Indupymes 4.0 are mainly:

  • Incorporation into the Digital Factory paradigm, achieving an improvement in innovation in the target sectors of the cross-border area;
  • Improvement of cross-border business cooperation in R&D, and improvement of the size of these companies;
  • Improvement of the employment of workers in the cross-border area;
  • Increase in R&D investments in Digital Factory 4.0 in advanced and mechanized transport in the cross-border area.

For mor information, you can access the official Project’s website –

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