International exhibitions and conferences are one of the main channels to engage with foreign actors, present the national ecosystem and establish connections for future business and partnerships.
In 2022, it was possible to return to physical participation in many events across Europe, after two years in which these actions were conditioned by the pandemic. This year, AED intends to consolidate its participation in the main events of the Aeronautics, Space and Defence sectors and also explore new markets.
We highlight the major participations of the Cluster for international events, planned for 2023 (subject to update):
In all joint participations, AED (and partners) organises a delegation of companies that share and benefit from the national stand and a common agenda with formal and informal networking moments.
If you wish to engage with the Portuguese Cluster in any of these events or find out more about these joint participations, contact us via email – Francisco Esteves (Communication Manager).
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