OGMA launches new Aeronautical Academy
With the support of AED Cluster Portugal and idD Portugal Defence, OGMA is launching a new education and training initiative, for the aeronautics sector.

On November 19, a protocol was signed for the launch of the Aeronautical Academy of Portugal by OGMA, a project that will reinforce and consolidate the knowledge and technical-scientific skills of professionals working in the aeronautical and defence domains.

The protocol is the result of a partnership between AED Cluster Portugal, idD Portugal Defence, the Consortium of Engineering Schools and OGMA, having already scheduled the start of operations for the first half of 2022 with an installed capacity, in a first phase, for 100 students.

The ceremony to present this Academy and sign the protocol was attended by the highest representatives of each entity (with José Neves, President of AED, representing the cluster), as well as the portuguese Prime Minister, António Costa, the Minister for National Defence, João Gomes Cravinho, and the CEO from Embraer Group.

The Aeronautical Academy intends, at first, to respond to OGMA’s needs for qualified labor, which has to answer to new business opportunities, such as the contract signed with Pratt & Whitney. In this context, OGMA is now recognized as an Authorized Maintenance Center (CMA) for new generation engines (GTF), under which the company will have to hire more than 300 new employees over the next five years.

The Academy is, therefore, a strategic commitment by OGMA to ensure the resources and know-how necessary for the company’s sustainable growth.

But not only…

The Aeronautical Academy is also a strategic investment of two sectors that urgently need qualified human resources, reason why AED and idD are two key partners in this initiative, aiming to strengthen and consolidate knowledge and technical-scientific skills of the professionals in the aeronautical and defense areas.

Alexandre Solis, Executive President of OGMA, considers the Academy “a strategic project for OGMA and for Portugal. We will train qualified and excellent technicians to satisfy both the company’s needs and to raise the sector at an international level. This is an essential partnership for the future of Portuguese aeronautics”, he said.

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